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St Francis of Assisi  - The power of Prayer


Lord,make me an instrument of Your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



St. Francis was born at Assisi in 1182


This powerful prayer by St Francis will help you live in peace and joy, during his time St Francis cared for those that suffered giving hope and love to others. This prayer has lived on for centuries and even today helps us understand how we can live life when in despair and sorrow to find light and joy.


Prayer is something very personal and its not something you must feel compelled to by others but something in your own private presence to engage in. Whether it be by a religion or a few words the experience of prayer is only something you can choose to try and do.


It has been said Prayer is Gods breath in man returning to his birth. Many people who often are seen to be sceptical of prayer will find themselves praying even when not formally believing in a God.


The thing I found about prayer is knowing yourself and giving your true self in this form of worship in those moments of intimacy.

For many prayer can be in different forms for monolithic religions (Islam, Judaism, Christianity) it is a belief practiced in a certain way to one God. While we know Buddhism is a religion its also considered beliefs and practices as a way of life. Buddhism really doesn’t focus on a sense of just worship or obedience to a deity – lets say the buddha was a teacher instructing people on life. My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness - Dalai Lama.While Hinduism pray for peace in the world to several Gods


Of course even for atheists studies have shown 30% in 2004 prayed, even if they do not follow a specific faith. Its as if prayer is almost universal.


The power of prayer may not change things for you but it for sure changes you for things.


What ever may hurt us in our life and we may not be able to go back,  we do have the power to change what those life promises, loss, betrayal, shock or disappoints mean to us.It important to try and make this change since through this is were healing those most hurtful memories.


Prayer is the language that will allow you to apply the lessons of our experiences in our lives. Wisdom and hurt are the extremes of same experience. Hurt is the initial feeling and wisdom is the healed expression of hurt.


Blessing is the secret that releases us from life’s hurt long enough to replace it  with another feeling.


We find ourselves in a world of experiences that may push us to the limits of what we can accept as rational. How do we find peace in suffering and release ourselves ?


Through prayer we become empowered to take part in healing.


Prayer is the language of God and also the language to heal suffering.


There is something out there beyond our perception we can not touch we feel and know and pray to. The question should be less about what’s out there but more what that something means to us


Most of us will agree life is made up of failing and downfalls in the mist of growing and trying to achieve happiness. Unfortunately only you can walk that road or journey for yourself  and there are merely two tasks on earth we need to achieve


1.Build a strong identity a container of our body


2.Fill that container with contents of meaning passion and purpose


Trying to get to our spiritual maturity is often not something we all seek out of choice. Maybe sometimes you are led by a mysterious event, curiosity ,religious people some are forced into a form of spiritual practice they are not connected to till they embrace it. I'm not saying you have to be religious or spiritual but part of this journey in life is survival from suffering through sacred grace that helps us along our way.


Those who walk  the full and entire journey are considered called or chosen in the Bible perhaps destined or perhaps have heard some deep invitation to something more.- Jacob in Genesis 27


We grow spiritually much more by doing it wrong than doing it right. Maybe it’s the imperfection in humans original sin. Its in imperfection where holiness lies as if God hide it. In fact most of those that have a downward path grow through their imperfections. But most of us don’t seek holiness spiritual peace most of the times from our downfalls we emerge into the grace of God.


Jesus and other prophets stated multiple times in parables  that our resistance to the message is so great that we deny our right to peace.


It is when I am week I am strong - St Paul Corinthians 12:10


Without us being aware we all have the Buddha within us but humanity is fast asleep lets say not awakened. The Buddhist scriptures called the heart sutra have been translated to help us understand how to awaken.


Most religions look to find a way to bring comfort and happiness to humanity. Buddhism essentially looks at liberation from this cycle of exitance whereby one moves from one life to another. Until we are freed from ignorance suffering will continue.


You don’t have to kneel down to pray or even pray to a deity or in a church -  if you don’t wish to you can talk to God how you wish since God can hear you no matter where or how you choose to engage with him. Don’t feel alone once you begin the journey to prayer as God is there for you. Whether you sit in silence, cry, yell, week or whatever you need to you will sink into Gods Love a place you will find peace.


Say a Prayer and begin


Think of something you would like it might be anything to heal an illness, abundance for someone or finding a perfect partner.

Now breath deeply and feel the fullness of your prayer fulfilled in all its detail and beauty think as if it has happened.

Feel gratitude for your prayers answered as if it happening or happened no longer living but that feeling you would have it  had happened.


Amen x


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